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Moorabool Wind Farm Community Fund now open

1st May 2020

Applications are invited from community groups and organisations for a share of the first round of Moorabool Wind Farm Community Fund.

The fund is split into two rounds per year. Round one is $125,000 and round two is $135,000 and will be on offer each year for the entire lifespan of the wind farm.

The aim of the Community Fund is to financially support initiatives and projects that make a positive and enduring contribution to the local community.

Funding applications will be considered from across four main sectors:

  • Public Health and Well Being
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Skills and Education
  • Recreational and Cultural Activities

Applications for funding are open to any not-for-profit or incorporated community-based organisations with projects located up to 10 km from the wind farm. All applications will be assessed on their merits, based on their benefit to the community, perceived suitability, the background of the applicant and proximity to Moorabool Wind Farm.

Guidelines, the application form and further information and details about how to apply can be downloaded from the Moorabool Wind Farm website.

The closing date for applications is 3pm on Thursday 18th June 2020.

The Community Reference Group, consisting of community representatives, will review all submissions received by the closing date and allocate the funds to those projects which meet the application criteria.

‘We’re very pleased to make these funds available to the local community each year. We’ve worked very closely with the Community Reference Group to tailor the fund to the needs of the local area. We look forward to seeing what initiatives people put forward for funding and to seeing the first successfully funded projects throughout the local community.’ said Helen Kennedy, Community Engagement Manager, Goldwind Australia.


Media Contact:
Helen Kennedy
Goldwind Australia
M: 0472 832 552

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